Daycare, Childcare

Price: $2,100,000

Location: Maryland

Industry: Education, Daycare and Childcare

Listing ID: MONTGMD006-54591

This is one of the most top producing daycare established over 30 years ago with very low rent and all staff including Director, Assistant Director, Teachers, Floater, and Admin in place. Owner has minimal involvement with business operation. The brand name is popular and nationally recognized. The rent is extremely low and center has been approved for over 105 kids. Demand for daycare acquisition is really high. The center is open only 5 days a week and has 17 holidays which is higher than other daycares and gives the owner more free time. Demand for daycare have been growing as more dual income families and single parents seek high quality childcare. Parents review and feedback has been outstanding. The business is qualified for SBA financing.

Listing Details

Revenue: $2,056,000

Cash Flow: $526,000

EBITDA: $466,000

FFE: $75,000 (Included in Price)

Real Estate: (Not Included in Price)

Lender Pre-Qualified?: Yes

Franchise?: Yes

Reason For Sale:

Owner is downsizing and would like to spend more time with their family.

Training & Support:

Franchisor has extensive training and owner is willing to provide support and training for first two weeks of transition.


Year Established: 1994

Year of Last Acquisition: 2018

Days & Hours of Operation: 5 days per week, Mon-Fri

Employees: 29

Managers: 1


Monthly Rent: 13500

Square Footage: 8500

Relocatable?: No

Facilities Information:

The business operate from 8500 SF of space nicely decorated with updated Furniture, Equipment, manual, and technology. The center was designed by architect and built by professional construction and remodeled, redecorated with new furniture, equipment, technology, signs, and equipment and state of the art playground by current owner. Rent is about 7% of total revenue which is extremely attractive

(Mike) Majid Zarinbaksh, MBA, CBI, M&AMI
(301) 215-9288
7735 Old Georgetown Rd., Suite 910 Bethesda, MD 20814

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