Phone: (301) 215-9288
Practice Valuation
Whether you want to buy or sell a practice you need to know “what is the fair value of the practice”. Our Practice Valuation Experts with detail analysis provide you with professional and accurate valuation. We prepare Valuation Report that is commonly used.
Selling your Practice
You have worked hard to build up a successful practice and you deserve to get the best value and terms at settlement. We have worked with hundreds of Buyers and Sellers in our network. We know how to sell your practice with highest possible price and in a shortest possible time.
Buying a Practice
Practice acquisition is very important financial decision and many factors must be considered before you acquire a practice. You can chose on of practices listed with us or let us help you with targeted practice acquisition; in both scenario we will guide you through practice acquisition process step by step to make sure you will successfully run your own practice.
Assistance with Acquisition Financing
There are many lenders who claim they provide financing to practice buyers with low interest rate and good terms! But do they deliver what they promise? We work with Practice Preferred Lenders who specialize in financing and they have proven their expertise to us. You need to submit your application, practice business plan, and supporting required documents in accurate and professional manner to a lender. We can assist you to fund your new practice with the best possible terms.