Phone: (301) 215-9288
Price: $1,600,000
Location: Northern Virginia
Industry: Automotive, Auto Detailing
Listing ID: Montgomery-MZ AD 671
The business is qualified for SBA financing also, Seller will provide financing for $400,000. Well established automotive detailing company providing unique services to many popular and large car dealerships in DC Metro area and also individuals in need of their service. This is a home based business and their services could be easily expanded to other states. They have very low overhead, well trained and loyal employees providing an exceptional service. The business needs an investor who likes to enjoy high cash flow and understands the potential of growing this business by retain Moore customers and expansion to the geographic area.
Listing Details
Revenue: $1,240,000
Cash Flow: $548,000
EBITDA: $480,000
FFE: $80,000 (Included in Price)
Inventory: $20,000 (Included in Price)
Lender Pre-Qualified?: Yes
Reason For Sale:
Owner relocating.
Training & Support:
Owner and management will provide two weeks of training free of charge and beyond that during transition period with mutually agreed term.
Year Established: 2012
Year of Last Acquisition: 2012
Days & Hours of Operation: 8:00am-6:00pm
Employees: 9
Relocatable?: Yes
Facilities Information:
The business is conducted from home and have several crews, each crew uses van equipped with equipment and materials they need. (Home Based)
(Mike) Majid Zarinbaksh, MBA, CBI, M&AMI
(301) 215-9288
7735 Old Georgetown Rd., Suite 910
Bethesda, MD 20814